AI And Cloud Sevices Consultatants
We specialise in migrating your business to the Cloud and optimising your business operations using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Our Sevices
Cloud Migration
We will migrate your on premises data and applications to the cloud and offer your scallability and reliability
Data Security
Your data will be safely stored in the cloud and backed up to as many as 3 separate locations in geographically separate regions, and overseas if required
Data Backup and Recovery Plan
Your date will be regularly backed up, archived and recoverable
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Ask us how we can leverage the emerging field of AI to identify how we can optimise and implement processes to make your business more efficient
Cloud Services
We offer a variety of Cloud Computing services in the Cloud which are highly available, scalable, secure and fault tolerant in the AWS Cloud. We boast very high uptimes for your applications.
Ongoing Support
We offer email, phone and site visit support to service your business. Our Service Level Agreement is tailored to the criticality of your operations. We are available with a solution within minutes, hours or days.
We Create Fully Connected Systems So You Can Focus On Your Business
We will migrate you to the Cloud, monitor your data, keep your data safe, securely backup your data and continue to offer new services, especially as AI matures.
Multiple Offerings: One Mission.
We offer the complete solution to your business needs